Sunday, July 6, 2008

PicADay 004

Well not a picture but a way of recording the studio layout when taking protraits.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

PicADay 002


Picked up a new toy today. So thought I would try one of my first MACRO shots.

I found an old camera shop here in Orlando that has all those pieces and parts from the OLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAZE. I dug through all the all those bins, finding lots and lots of little treasures. Then I saw it. Proudly displayed in the NIKON GEAR ONLY cabinet a Nikon Bellows PB-4.

Well I guess I'll try a macro shot today then.

Snake Eyes! No I did not run into the great jungles of central Florida and discover this scary snake. Its my daughters pet. A juvenile Ball Python. With what my daughter says are "pretty eyes."

Nikon D300, Nikon PB-4 Bellows, Nikon 50mm 1.8 ISO 100, 1/250, F8, Auto WB

I used a high intensity LED flashlight to light the snake. I could not get my flash to perform correctly. Its seems I need to learn more about syncing the SB-800 on CLS when using the bellows. I just assumed same as shooting with out bellows. The photo's just came out as black on all exposure speeds.

Well something else to look up on the web.

Tim S

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In the Woods…

Kids are fun. My son has joined a group that plays war games with soft pellet guns. The team was practicing for a big meet in the Ocala forest when I took the opportunity to have them pose for me.

this was the first time I tried to setup light stands in the thick brush of the woods. "I really do not like wild grape vines."

I dropped my son off about 11:30am on a hot and humid 103 Degrees Floriday day. It is midday bright sun no clouds. I wanted a night shot. Hmm what to do?

I asked the boy's if they would not mind posing for me. I trekked my gear into the woods and played with the light stands and reflectors for about 30min.

Well it's too hot. I ran inside to cool off and get a drink and called them all out for the picture.

They sat and posed for about 20 min and we called it good.
They are all in full fatigues. They got to be hot!

To get the night effect I desiderated it a bit and gave it the roughed up edge effect.

Kinda like a task force member has been carrying it around for a few months in the woods.

Not sure which I like…


Tim S


Well Here We Go:

I have decided to take more pictures. What better way to do that than committing myself to 1 picture a day for a year. We will see how long this lasts.

Today is the day. July 1st 2008 the first PicADay.

Running late for work I kerned down my camera kit and threw it in the car. As I closed my door to the garage I hear a "beep,beep,beep,beep..." I know this sound. I have an invisible dog fence. The alarm goes off when the line is broken.

I am already running late for work, I jump out of my car and head over to the power lines side of my property. This is where usually" trespassers" have DUG UP, DUMPED ON or TORE UP the ground breaking my dog fence wire.
Upon arrival I see the neighbors' horse happily chewing some of the wild grape vine along the fence line. The horse is curiously in the exact location of an earlier repair of the line.

This is the section of the fence were it is NOT so invisible. (Well it is stapled to the horse fence line.) I see as I get closer this friendly horse likes the taste of wire as much as the grape vine.

I shot 4 shots from my car seat of the make shift blockade in the access gap of my fence.

I thought maybe I'll try HDR today. I do not consider it a success. I punched the saturation too high and over processed the HDR getting that familiar "Halo" Effect.

Well what can I say? "First try!"

I'll get another PicADAy tomorrow.
Thanks - Tim Schmitt