Thursday, July 3, 2008

PicADay 002


Picked up a new toy today. So thought I would try one of my first MACRO shots.

I found an old camera shop here in Orlando that has all those pieces and parts from the OLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAZE. I dug through all the all those bins, finding lots and lots of little treasures. Then I saw it. Proudly displayed in the NIKON GEAR ONLY cabinet a Nikon Bellows PB-4.

Well I guess I'll try a macro shot today then.

Snake Eyes! No I did not run into the great jungles of central Florida and discover this scary snake. Its my daughters pet. A juvenile Ball Python. With what my daughter says are "pretty eyes."

Nikon D300, Nikon PB-4 Bellows, Nikon 50mm 1.8 ISO 100, 1/250, F8, Auto WB

I used a high intensity LED flashlight to light the snake. I could not get my flash to perform correctly. Its seems I need to learn more about syncing the SB-800 on CLS when using the bellows. I just assumed same as shooting with out bellows. The photo's just came out as black on all exposure speeds.

Well something else to look up on the web.

Tim S

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